The Law of Love

The Law of Love    Sermon Notes In his sermon on The Law of Love, Tim Baylor examines the Scriptural understanding of the true nature of God and the touch-stone of every Christian life: Love. The following questions are discussed: What is God’s definition of Love? How do you love God? How do you love [...]

The Law of Love2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00

Evangelize Like Jesus

Evangelizing Like Jesus Sermon Notes In his sermon on Evangelize Like Jesus, Tim Baylor discusses the following questions:  What is a Evangelism? What is the message of Evangelism? Who’s job is it to Evangelize? Tim explains from scripture ways that we can follow Jesus’ example to be more effective in sharing His gospel message with [...]

Evangelize Like Jesus2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00

Living by Faith

Living by Faith Sermon Notes In his sermon Living by Faith, Tim Baylor discusses Scriptural answers to the following questions: What is Faith? How is Faith obtained? What is the goal of our faith? What Happens when we believe? Why is Faith Important? How do You Live by Faith? Tim starts with the question [...]

Living by Faith2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00

Living by the Spirit

Living by the Spirit Sermon Notes In his sermon on Living by the Spirit, Tim Baylor discusses the Scriptural answers to the following questions:  What is a spirit?  How do you get the Holy Spirit? Why does God give us the Holy Spirit?  What is the difference between Gifts of the Spirit & Fruit of [...]

Living by the Spirit2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00


Thanksgiving Sermon Notes Tim Baylor examines the true meaning of Thanksgiving in Scripture. He discusses its importance and it’s crucial role in attaining Abundant Life in our Christian walk. The stories of Jesus feeding the 5000 and Lazarus being raised from the dead are the backdrop for the Scriptural Blessing Progression that Jesus used in these [...]


What About Suicide?

Sermon on Suicide  Sermon Notes In his sermon What About Suicide? Tim Baylor approaches the difficult topic of suicide. He starts by asking if suicide is a forgivable sin. Tim speaks candidly, and scripturally, about those who have committed suicide, those who are contemplating suicide, and everyone else in their lives. In this sermon, Tim compares [...]

What About Suicide?2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00

Sermon About Prayer

Sermon About Prayer   Sermon Notes Tim Baylor discusses Scriptural answers to some very difficult questions in his Sermon About Prayer: What is prayer? To whom should we pray? How should we pray? When should we pray? How do we reconcile what Jesus says we can do by prayer and what we actually do by [...]

Sermon About Prayer2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00
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