Book Review in The American Chesterton Magzine

Nice Works If You Can Get It Read the Print Review The Law of Love: The Other Law of God By Timothy A. Baylor Bloomington, Ind.: Westbow Press, 2015 113 pages (paperback); $11.95 Reviewed by David Paul Deavel The mid-1990s was a time of theologians, public figures, and pastors all coming into the Catholic [...]

Book Review in The American Chesterton Magzine2017-04-15T21:05:33+00:00

Pregnancy Care Center Spotlight

This past Sunday when I was looking through the newest Niles Pregnancy Care Center Newsletter I was pleasantly surprised to see my picture, and an article about me in it. I am humbled that they chose to do a spotlight on me, and was so encouraged by the article, I thought I would share it with [...]

Pregnancy Care Center Spotlight2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00

Book Excerpt – Sermon on the Mount

The next passage is the apex of comparisons between the Law of Moses and the Law of Love. Although it is true the Law of Moses tells us to ‘love our neighbor’[1], Jesus commands us to endure persecution, pray for those who persecute us, and indeed he calls us to love our enemies. Then he [...]

Book Excerpt – Sermon on the Mount2017-04-15T15:36:01+00:00

Law of Love and the Pregnancy Care Center

I crossed paths several times in the last few months with Jennifer Smith, Executive Director, of the local Pregnancy Care Center and she asked me what Law of Love Ministries is all about. When I explained to her that the “ministry” aspect of Law of Love is in the curriculum I am writing for youth [...]

Law of Love and the Pregnancy Care Center2017-04-15T15:36:02+00:00

Annual Budget Need

The Lord has given me a desire to carry out this mission as a vocation in a full-time-capacity. As our team assesses the need to finish and publish the book, market the book and curriculum, take care of salaries and cover other expenses necessary, we have set a goal for an annual budget of $120,000. [...]

Annual Budget Need2014-04-17T02:07:08+00:00

James – Epistle of Straw or Substance?

I continue to work on my book, The Law of Love. Following is an excerpt: One of the hardest passages in scripture to reconcile with the rest of the Gospel is James 2:24 “You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.” For nearly 2000 years believers have [...]

James – Epistle of Straw or Substance?2017-04-15T15:36:02+00:00

Whitinsville Christian Middle School Mentoring Program

I am very excited to announce that Whitinsville Christian Middle School, Whitinsville, MA, is using the Law of Love in Helping Others - Discipling Devotional  as the Bible study for their school's mentoring program this school year. They have created a Blog to facilitate communication between mentors, students, and parents. The devotional was originally designed [...]

Whitinsville Christian Middle School Mentoring Program2017-04-15T15:36:02+00:00

Paying it Forward with CompassionTracker

Law of Love Ministries has been created for one purpose: To encourage people to love God and to love each other. Our motto is “Love the person in front of you.” This encourages you to do good for those within reach and frees you from the responsibility of those beyond your influence. In CompassionTrackerTM, we [...]

Paying it Forward with CompassionTracker2017-04-15T15:36:02+00:00
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